The CIDataSolutions™ Toolbox was designed with small icons in mind, all capable of showing a meaningful action or tool, with its graphical and contextual content.


The "Quick Reference" that follows is about all you need to know to perform actions with your account with no more guidance.


Note 8: If you don't feel comfortable with the default language of your CIDataSolutions™ account, at any time you can switch the language between French and English. Simply click on the "Fr" French Black Button French or "En" English Black Button English button located on the top right corner of the CIDataSolutions™ application window to toggle to the language of your choice.


CIDataSolutions - My registration - Language - short


hmtoggle_arrow1In general:

In general all tools and forms that you will use with your customized "Dashboard" are based on the same visual template:

CIDataSolutions - Instrument config landing page


1.A "Welcome" grey banner with your "User Name" shown inside.
2.Two buttons inside a black banner. Those are the French Black Button "Language toggle"8 button and the Logout Black Button "Logout" button.
3.Below that grey banner you will notice two "Tabs". Those include all the tools you will need to do your work.
4.Inside the tan banner below the tabs, you are shown with the section you are in. In our example that is the "Instrument management" under the "My instrument" tab. That is also the reason why the associated tab is greyed.
5.The next blue banner informs you on what this form or tool is used for. In our example, that is: "Add or edit an instrument".
6.Inside the previous example form you are shown with the your "Business name" banner under which name your CIDataSolutions™ subscription was registered with us. In our example this name is: "BUSINESS: Your Business Name".
7.This is followed by one or many sections inside the basic form and they usually are followed by "Actions buttons". Again, in our previous example, there are four sections, which are followed by the Back Blue Button "Back" and Submit Green Button "Submit" buttons.