Integrator: An individual or a firm who provides integrated services in their offering to clients of speciality niches such as information systems for large companies, cities, government agencies, and much more. They can make extensive use of the CIDataSolutions™ API to access the Convergence Instruments WiFi™ instruments recorded data; without going to the Internet with a browser; and easily integrate this information inside their own solution.

Note: Integrators don't have to own a Business Subscription to CIDataSolutions™ Web Application to monitor Convergence Instruments WiFi™ Instruments for their clients, but all their clients must have their instruments covered by such a subscription to the CIDataSolutions™ Web Application to allow those integrators access to the recorded data of their clients.

They also need a free of charge Integrator's Subscription to get their unique ISN (Integrator Serial Number) for identification purposes in a secured environment (no Hacking!).