The vibration levels measurement field provides information about the current acceleration or velocity signals and RMS levels.

The graph presents the instantaneous signals as they are measured in real-time. The Fs indicator to the left of the graph shows the sampling frequency in effect. The duration control on the right of the horizontal scale selects the duration of the time segment to display. The maximum is the equivalent of 2048 points.
When pressed, the vertical auto-scale button allows the scale to be dynamically adjusted so that all the signals fit in the graph. When released, the scale is fixed. When using a fixed scale, the scale can be adjusted manually by double-clicking and writing new values directly in the top-most and bottom-most marker values of the vertical scale.
Acceleration signals are displayed in m/s2. Velocity signals are displayed in m/s. The effect of the high-pass filter, if it is in effect, is taken into account in the display.
The orange bar at the top of the graph shows the progressive filling of the capture buffer. When operating at high sampling frequencies the bar is usually always full. However when operating at low sampling frequencies, with a large number of points it may take a long time to fill the buffer for display. The bar provides a visual indication that the buffer is filling-up.
The three bars to the right of the graph show the RMS levels measured on the X, Y and Z axes. The RMS levels are presented in or dBm/s2 for acceleration, and in dBm/s for velocity. Note that the effect of the high-pass filter is taken into account in the displayed values. RMS levels should not normally include DC levels. In order to exclude the DC levels, the high-pass filter must be activated.