In addition to trying to connect to the server at regular intervals, the instrument will try to connect immediately to the email server in case of alarm. The alarm function does not require the use of a server or Listener application. The instrument will connect directly to an email server, such as a gmail account.
In order to be able to send an alarm email, the instrument must have the following setup:
• | A WiFi™ Router or Access Point must be in the instrument’s vicinity, and the instrument must have been configured with that router’s connection parameters. That is part of the WiFi™ Setup of the instrument. |
• | The instrument must have been configured with an outgoing email account and connection parameters. That is part of the Email Setup of the instrument. |
Two alarms can be enabled:
• | A signal or level past a preset threshold. The threshold works exactly the same as the threshold used for AutoRec, but a different threshold can be specified. When the same threshold is used, the instrument will both: |
o | Start a recording of the raw signal. |
• | The battery is close to being depleted. |